Monday, October 25, 2010

Ham and Cabbage

So sad. I just realized that my last post was almost an entire month ago. I've been getting pretty tired of standing and the kitchen and cooking as the third trimester has been moving along. It's just not as much fun when your giant belly keeps hitting the pots on the stove as you reach for things on the top shelf of the spice cabinet. So, the recipes will be even easier than normal for a little while.

One of my favorite fall dishes is ham and cabbage. It can't get much easier either. And it's one of Kevin's favorites. He gets as excited for it as he does gourmet dinners! You gotta love a guy like that!

Ham and Cabbage
1 head cabbage, sliced
3 large white potatoes, cut into 1.5" cubes
1/3 cup water
1 small onion, sliced
3 large carrots, sliced
1 large ham steak, cut into 1" cubes
salt, pepper, paprika to taste
olive oil
Add cabbage, potatoes, and water to soup pot. Bring to boil. Add onion and carrots. Cook until potatoes and carrots are tender. The water should mostly evaporate by this time. Add the ham steak and cook until heated through. Add salt, pepper, and paprika to taste. Drizzle with olive oil. Adjust seasonings and enjoy!